The end bad day

Saturday 31 July 2010

What is “normal” ?

On this eve of the first of the new year, I get to opportunistically reflect on the things I have, the things I want, and my purpose in life. I’ve always wanted to be “normal” and have a “normal life” (though most people I know would laugh if they heard me saying that, since my life bears little resemblance to the boring slog that most people think of when they hear “normal” — something I think of more as “quiet desperation”)

Ever since I was a little kid, I didn’t fit in. I looked like a boy until I was 9 and had to get into the habit of asking for the “ladies’ room” because service staff always directed me to the men’s room. I was too tall. I had no friends. Kids made fun of me. I wouldn’t wear a “training” bra and ended up needing a real bra earlier than anyone else I knew. Boys would dare each other to ask me out and then run away laughing. I got picked last in any athletic event I was forced to participate in. “Normal” seemed like this unattainable golden state that everyone else existed in… so when I got to pick my name, I decided that, by hook or by crook, I was going to be normal.
And that’s how I got to be “Normal.” And it really fits me, I think, since I have a regular job that I go to every day at roughly the same time. I have fairly un-exceptional thoughts on a day-to-day basis. I’m not very fashionable, but I’m also not notably unfashionable. I have hobbies like normal people: hiking, camping, hanging out with friends, blogging, photography. Yes, some of my hobbies are un-normal: collecting taxidermy, listening to Cracker all the time, modeling for unconventional photos (right), camping in the desert and applying spark to combustibles.
One thing I think I want to look into for the new year is what really *is* “normal life.” I want it… but do I? And what is it to other people? So I’ve set up a Google alert and will set out to figure out what a normal life is. Wish me luck.

How to Be Happy in Life

Happiness, we say, is a choice. Happy people understand this, while unhappy people struggle with judging themselves for not being able to easily shift to a happy state of mind.

The first step towards moving into a happy state is to understand that happiness is something we need to learn and, for some reason (that we will not discuss here), school teaches everything else but happiness. Use the "school of life" to practice happiness and remember that your "choice muscle" needs to be active all the time. Always notice you have options in everything you do, think or feel, and that you choose the things that are best for you.

 Here are some specific tips you can blend into your every day:

illusion (part 2)

illusion (part 1)

Why I Love

One of the reasons why I love the internet is the loads of ideas, inspiration and new things I get to learn from it. One of my recent discoveries is about investing in gold. This type of investment is not so popular from where I am and that made me more interested to learn more about it. I have read that gold is valuable and is able to maintain its integrity through time. No wonder gold is said to expand one’s investments. United States Gold Bureau is a good site to check as aside from their articles on this type of investment, you can likewise buy gold eagle coins, silver and other precious metals from them. Head on to their site if you are as interested as I am.